Implant supra-structure

What makes a good implantologist?

A good Implantologist is the one who has sufficient knowledge and experience to evaluate the overall health of a patient, to assess the condition of his jawbone and the rest of the teeth and to skillfully use these parameters to give to the patient the best possible and most reasonable proposal to eliminate this condition. The doctor should use his expertise ingeniously to inspire confidence in the patient and then justify it by his actions. Each situation should be portrayed realistically – without positive or negative exaggerations. A patient should never be discouraged and the doctor should always find a solution to his problem. A good Implantologist is the implatologist whose actions speak louder than his words!

Where can you find us?

Implant Centar Stojanović is headed by Primarius Dr. Branislav Stojanovic. We are located at Gaudijeva 4, Belgrade.


Oral implantology refers to surgical procedures aimed at functional rehabilitation of patients using dental implants, i.e., metal elements surgically implanted into the upper and lower jaw. Implants come in various forms and can be implanted in different positions and by different techniques. Currently, most implants are made of titanium.

About us

The founder of the Center for Implantology (“Implant Centar Stojanović”) – prim. Dr Branislav Stojanović graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry in Sarajevo in 1980 after having finished the secondary dental school in Pristina in 1974. He began his career in 1981, as a general dental practitioner at the Sarajevo Health Center, where he worked in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and, later, in the dental prosthetics service section. Dr. Stojanović worked at the Sarajevo Health Center until April 1992.

In Belgrade, Dr. Branislav Stojanović established a dental practice in 1992. The dentist’s office began work as a center for prosthetic and aesthetic dentistry and, since 1997, the center has intensified its oral and implant surgery practice. In 2000, Dr. Branislav Stojanović completed specialization in oral surgery at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade.