Prim. Dr Branislav Stojanović is one of the founders of implantology in Serbia. At the time he intensified his implant dentistry practice, many dentists claimed that this was a risky discipline and that the body has a tendency to reject implants. We believed in success and the patients believed in us, which proved to be the right formula for positive results which became visible before long.
In our professional & research papers, we demonstrated the success of our implants and through a permanent presence in professional events, we were able to present our results, which disproved the skepticism of individual colleagues convincingly. In contrast to the times some 10-15 years back, when only a few enthusiasts were involved in implantology, things seem to be moving in quite the opposite direction today…
Prim. Dr. Branislav Stojanović is an oral surgery specialist, a founder and theonly primarius (distinguished doctor) of oral implantololgy in Serbia, with over 30 years of experience.